How to organize a sailing regatta in Barcelona

Organizing a sailing regatta is a complex but feasible task if approached correctly. It requires taking into account many important things without which it is better not to set sail.

A sailing regatta is a sport-entertainment event. However, it should be noted that sailing is very diverse. It allows to mobilize various areas of the athlete’s personality. In them, he can demonstrate his physical abilities, and also has the opportunity to learn how to work in a team. A participant must not only know how to control a yacht, but also have his own racing tactics, which can be applied in various conditions.

What are the features of this type of sport

During this sporting event, the participant learns the basic rules of controlling a yacht and learns to work smoothly in a team. After all, it is very important that all actions are coordinated. As a result, athletes who have spent time together under sail become close companions. These are real friends who can be trusted and asked for help at any time. In addition, athletes not only get involved in this type of sport, but also have a great time in the company. Therefore, a sailing regatta serves as a kind of entertainment, which can be organized by anyone interested.

How it all happens

As for organizing a sailing regatta, it is most profitable to entrust this work to professionals. “Barcelona Boat Rental” can definitely help with holding this event.

There are several classes of yachts. And each of them has its own characteristics and cost:

  • VIP yachts – developed by leading global companies. They are the most popular options among buyers.
  • Domestically produced yachts of individual construction.
  • Yachts that have an optimal composition (domestic and branded).

The price of the issue

There are certain key elements that need to be taken into account. The cost of organizing this event depends on the type and number of yachts. It is necessary to take into account how many people will participate in the regatta, place and time.

At the same time, it should be known that in addition to the captain and instructor, 8 people can fit on the vessel, and the event time takes up to 5 hours.

You need to pay for the rental of the venue, food, gifts for the winners, photo and video shooting, animator, bright T-shirts for guests and participants. You will also have to pay for the application of team symbolism on the yacht.

This type of sport has always been unique. And one of the main reasons for its popularity is the variety of regattas taking place around the world.